Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nothing goes better with your morning coffee and a side of Pomeranian unless you count an excellent read! I love making a reading. The perfect balance of scripts, self help, fiction, non-fiction. I can never do a male protagonist ... sounds odd, I know. What can I say?  I like my lady business and I have attempted "man books" enough to know that it isn't for me.  
But here is what I will be reading over the next couple of months:

1) Rediscovering Catholicism:
I was raised catholic but have been a spiritual seeker my entire life. All in all, I think the big picture, it is about being a better human being. There is something greater out there than us. We all call it something different, but exist under the same ideal. I am interested to see if this book aligns with the principles in my next choice...

2) The Myth of Freedom
A book given to me by my friend and inspired soul Neil. He got me started on the meditation path back in college. We are making a book club out of it and touching base once a week. The book is centered around practicing mindfulness. We could all use a daily dose of that don't you think? 

The next few are choices based on a lady book and movie club I am in. Props to Jenna for saying even if you don't read the book (which I won't if it is a man club novel...barf nation), it doesn't matter, you can still join the ladies at the movie. You should do it with your ladies too! Here is the list of fantastic books being turned into movies this year: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/books-to-read-before-they-hit-theaters-this-year 

3) Divergent
I like that my friend, Blair, picked this. She was strong in saying she had no interest in "A Winter's Tale". Post Valentine's Day, I get it. Instead, she chose a novel that is a warrior of the heart novel! I am anxious to see how it compares to Hunger Games. I'm GAME. (See what I did there...hehe)

4)  Gone Girl
I've been hearing about this since it came out! Now that is will be a movie, it was the perfect incentive to finally read it. Since I am not a kindle fan (WHO DOESN'T LIKE TO TURN PAGES?!?!?), I am lugging around the hard cover copy.

5) A Long Way Down
Oh goody a kill yourself delight. Once reading the description, I decided to put this towards the "tale" end of my list. Looks good... but I am going to need a bit more sunshine before delving into this sucker.

6) South Pacific Script
The next is a script of a show that I will be doing in the spring. I always like to read the script ahead of time and get started on lyric work as I am a "cotton headed ninny muggins (That's right. I'll reference "Elf") and I need all the practice I can get... and maybe some ginkgo biloba tea. Ew sick. I just said tea. I take it back! Coffee, yes. Tea? Boo. Vino? WAHOO! I digress...

7) Paradise Rewritten
This is research work for "South Pacific". The cool part about being an actor is that every show is a new beginning and a chance to learn new things, new cultures, new time eras. I love to make a study out of it. Makes me feel like a school girl again :)  

So, make your lists, people! Assign them to yourself. I am implementing reading at night before I get to bed so my anxiety brain starts training itself to fall asleep! Also, I love supporting used book stores and sellers from Amazon.com when I buy a copy of a book. Not only do they contain a story as a book, they also have a history of being read a shared. Love that <3 <3 <3

Her LadyMess

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