Saturday, June 30, 2012

I have FINALLY finished "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and my brain has gone through it! Honestly, I felt like I was in class again. I know everyone has their beef with this book, but what I appreciated most was the fact that it forced me into an opinion. Like most things we read back in school, it proposes a plethora of viewpoints that make you question where your values and moral code stand. Leave it to me to be inspired to collage and find a great ending theme for myself and I hope for you : "It's the end," she said. "It's the beginning," he answered.
The last thing Ayn Rand left me inspired with was one of the final moments in the book where they hear the Halley's Fifth Concerto and describe it as "the symphony of triumph". What is yours? What song can you put on for yourself that makes you feel you can conquer the world? Or, at least, inspired to try? Until next time, xoxo Her LadyMess

Friday, June 22, 2012

I LOVED photo! Disney princess photo shoot!

We are never too old for Disney.

Walt Disney is my hero. If I could meet one person who has passed on, it would be this man. A perfect combination of a dreamer and a do-er. May we all be active participants in our own destinies!

Her LadyMess

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why is it so easy for us to lose the joy that we had as children? We were fearless! We didn't have a worry in the world. Love was easy to give, all dreams were possible, and laughter was the best medicine.

 At age 28, I feel I am at an interesting point. I feel like an adult in so many ways, and yet, I feel like I should have much more figured out. I look at my parents at this age and they had a family by this age. I can't even fathom. Living in New York City inspires me. I look around me and I see everyone at every age in every phase. Everyone's journey is their own. I don't know what else God or the Universe have in store for me. I just have to keep reminding myself to be open to the path. Breathe. Believe. Receive.

Here are some of my journal pages to inspire the inner child:

I encourage everyone to find their inner child today :) Let's go get an ice cream cone, watch a Disney movie, or buy a teddy bear! Something to remind us that we have nothing to fear and should greet the day with a laugh and a smile.
 Her LadyMess

Sunday, June 17, 2012

   I love waking up on a Sunday and having my coffee while listening to a Sounds True pod cast. The pod casts are free on I Tunes. If you have never listened to them, you are in for a treat. They speak with a wide variety of spiritual people on a plethora of topics. some of my favorites this far have been:

 - Choosing Health - This was a man that inspired me on the plant based diet and encouraging you to eat mindfully for your mind/body/soul.

- Freedom From Depression: Training your mind through meditation and seeing that all emotions come in waves. It talks about not holding on to the "negative" or "positive", but just watch the waves.

-Creativity: Faith in Running Shoes (even though I don't own a pair of those...perhaps you sporty types will find this up your alley!)

-Life Visioning: Very ala the Secret, but showing you how to be what you were meant to be and not just what you think you need to be.

-Tipping Points: This one was fascinating about the year 2012 and how all signs of the universe, scientifically and spiritually, are pointing to the human pattern of either "break through or breakdown". Fascinating pod cast!

   There are so many to appeal to each and every one of you! So, hop to it!

   And what would the Lord's Day be without his juice?

                                               Jesus Juice. Literally.

Now it is time to put on the soundtrack to "An Education" and pick out my lady outfit for brunch.

Happy Sunday!
Her LadyMess

Friday, June 15, 2012

"Stop and smell the roses" is a wonderful old saying to get us to stop, look around, and enjoy what is right in front of us. I've decided, in New York City, it should be " stop and put your heels on!" It was an experiment of mine today: Rather than hustling around and running people over, I put on my biggest pair of heels for the day and set out for a sidewalk sushi luncheon, gel manicures, shopping at Bloomies, and strolls in the sunshine after a beautiful bottle of Coppola Chardonnay. My four inch heels not only looked incredible, but made me feel super sexy and feminine, toned my legs and buttox, but made me focus on one step at a time rather than the usual hustle and bustle that you can get wrapped up in with the pace of this fine city. Carrie Bradshaw once said, "These shoes pinch my feet, but I love them." Indeed, by the end of the day each step was a challenge and the blisters have indeed caught up with me tonight, but I felt incredible all day. So,  those of you lucky enough to be in a city you can drive in, what is your excuse ? Pull out your biggest lady heels and don't worry if they slow your pace down a bit. Take it all in stride. Literally :)
  I have the heels off tonight, Edith Piaf playing on my pandora, and breathing into the adventures that I had today. At least I know my Grandma Mary is proud of me today as that woman was never seen without her heels on. She even mowed the grass in them. I was born into this family of ladies... what can I say ?
       Her LadyMess

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wine-down Wednesday presents SPLASH!

   Love Conundrum but don't love the price? White Splash from St. Francis winery recently mad e huge impression on me. A blend of four grapes: Viogner, Pinot Grigio, Malvasia, and Gewurztraminer. It tastes of citrus and finished with vanilla. It would taste yummy on it's own or pair with your favorite seafood dish such a shrmp scampi or a grilled salmon... oh, and invite me when you do it :)
   If you like this wine, other reccomendations to switch it up would be the blends from Menage e Trois or the Seven Daughters blend. Happy Wines-day! xoxo Her LadyMess

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lady reads : Summer List!

All right! It is the time for the summer reading list. I love making myself feel like a school girl and assigning myself some great reads to pass those hot summer months by the pool. Oh who am I kidding? The only pool I have access to in New York would be at the SoHo House with the fancy folk! Star studded and fantastic, but not the best recession deal. Sigh, I guess I'll pour a glass of rose' at my house and buy a wading pool to delve into these reads!

As you know, I am currently reading, "Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis and I am loving it. After that I have decided to make a commitment to two books I have been told are a right of passage : Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Gone with the Wind. I will have to read something mindless in between  to wake me up a bit, and I am not going to lie, I am intrigued by the Shades of Gray book that everyone keeps falling for. Who wants to join me ?? :)

 Her Ladymess

Thursday, May 24, 2012

C.S. Lewis on a rainy day...

Nothing I love more than a philisophical read with a glass of wine to combat a rainy day where my mind typically goes to gray. "Awareness that our whole being by it's very nature is one vast need; incomplete, preparatory, empty yet cluttered, crying out for Him who can untie things that are now knotted together and tie up things that are still dangling loose." ~C.S. Lewis Isn't that the truth about life's journey ? It's another way of coming at the saying, "Life is always greener..." When we are tied down, we want to be free. When we are hungry to learn, we want to be full of knowledge. When we are too comfortable, we seek out danger. When we experience change, we crave stability. As humans, we never fail to be at a constant state of unrest. François de la Rochefoucauld said, "The only thing in life constant is change." When will be able to breathe into this and know the change does not threaten our core being ? "The highest does not stand without the lowest. A plant must have roots below as well as sunlight above and roots must be grubby..." C.S Lewis At age 28, my life this year keeps teaching me lesson after lesson after lesson. It seems that until I fully give myself over to what the universe has in store, this constant pattern of change will keep shaking up what I think I know and transform it into something deeper, richer, and true. So, have patience, friends. We're all there :) Until then, I am going back to reading "The Four Loves"... I suggest picking up a copy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make your own magic!

I love me some Ingrid Michaelson and her new album is nailing it. The lyrics to "Do it Now" inspired me to start posting again:

you say that you've got nothing left
there's nothing left in you to find
you're gonna ride it out gonna wait it out
living to die, you're living to die

no one's gonna wait for you
no one's gonna wait for you

so do it now
do it right now
don't waste a minute on the darkness and the pity sitting in your mind and
do it right now
do it right now

I don't know why I allow the "wah wahs" to set in and let life take over me in such a way that I feel I have nothing to offer or nothing to say... especially when there are books like this out there :

So, clearly there is a place for EVERYONE'S voice if people are buying a book called : CRAFTING WITH CAT HAIR Wowowowowow (Yes, that's what that book is called!)

I decided to collage a few new pages and start finding the magic in my day to day life and leave the wah wah's behind :

Faith - in myself and in the universe. This collage allows me to visualize peace and trust in my path - a clear view in knowing I am right where I need to be.

Candles, wine, and fresh words on a page brings clarity in the chaos...

Then, I took myself a lovely sushi lunch with a buttery chard and I was back in action. A simple sashimi plate and a seaweed salad :) I never mind dining alone- especially in New York where, as Carrie Bradshaw so famously said, "the city is your date!" It's empowering really. I even love movies by myself! I went to see "Love" which was delightful. An indi film where I got to stare at trasians (my favorite: trendy asians) and watch philosophies concerning relationships.

I made it a GREAT day - all on my own - can I get a slow clap ? :)

"so do it now
do it right now ...
no one's gonna wait for you"

Her LadyMess

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lady Mornings: Part 1

Did you wake up on this side of the bed this morning ? Don't give into those DORK-SIDED moods. Put on your dance in your panties mix and make it a good day! Do you know what I am talking about when I say a "dance in your panties" mix ??

Remember the movie "Adventures in Babysitting" when she wakes up and lip sings "and then he kissed me!" Waking up and making it a good day can be a challenge. Everyone needs a "dance in your panties" mix. A day starts best with songs that put you in a peppy good moon. Here's the start of mine :

1) Be OK, Ingrid Michaelson
2) Cooler than You, Ben Folds
3) Lolipop, Mika
4) Gonna Love Today, Mika
5) Folding Chair, Regina Spektor
5) Banana Pancakes, Jack Johnson
5) Movie Loves a Screen, April Smith

Any I should add?? I love recommendations! I am challenging myself as of late to search out new music. I have been in a habit where I only listen to music other people put in my ear! There is just so much out there. I know I sound like an idiot bait here, but so forgive me as I have only listened to musical theatre for years and years :) So, pass some good stuff along people and EDUCATE a lady :)

Just a few of my faves. Cheers to having a good day... nah, a GREAT day :) (With that being said, maybe we should add Rehab by Amy Winehouse to the mix... HA!)

Her LadyMess

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lady Wines-days: Wah Wah!

I'm kicking myself for my most recent lesson: What did you expect when you bought it for that price?

I took myself to Trader Joes's with a gift certificate from Christmas and I thought I would go out of my comfort zone and try some new wines. Instead of delightful new favorites, I wound up with one note wonders with no finish. Here were the culprits :

Medoc, Calvet 2010 -
I'll make my distaste brief : It tasted flat like a soda that has been opened for too long. The nose had promise and then did not follow through with the full experience I had hoped for. Flat flat flat... like my bubbies in the 6th grade. Wait, what ? Who said that ?

Lagranja, Temprinillo 2010 -
They made these grapes out of one of those plastic fruit bowls you see in model homes. I couldn't even stomach two sips.
I also bought their blend of garnacha and tempranillo... wish I could return that after tasting how terrible this one was. I doubt I could even save it by turning it into a sangria with brandy and fruit. OOOOOOOOOOF. Steer clear, recession buyers. (That pun would have been brillz has that label been a cow instead of a pig...). Just add it to my list of "wah wah's" for this Wine-down Wednesday!

So, has my palate adjusted to know right from wrong? I remember my dear Grandma Mary, with her boxed wine in her kitchen, telling me wine was an acquired taste. Was it just because she was drinking the cheap nasty nonsense? God love her. There is GREAT juice out there! I just might not find any under $7.99.

Let's keep testing, shall we? What about my chardonnays ??? Let's see :

Blue Fin Chardonnay: This not taste like a chardonnay. It was crisp and light but did not show characteristics of a my buttery friend I like to wine-down with at the end of a long day. Attention Pinot Grigio lovers: You might find this appealing. It is an easy wine. Just not my cup o' tea.

Stonehedge 2009 Reserve Chardonnay - TJ's tasting notes told me buttery. Oh yea? WRONG. No butter, no nose, no finish. Sure it's "drinkable": no tinge at the end, but no character during, and it does make me nervous that you cannot find notes about this wine anywhere. They must have Judy Greer's press agent... Who is Judy Greer? Exactly!

Cue: my pout face. I want to find yummy wine for recession prices and this has been a pitiful round of choices. You pay for what you get, I suppose. Are some of these wines better than say, Yellowtail or Barefoot ? Perhaps. However, they are not good enough to be paired with food, and most I could never drink on their own... so, what is the point? I will continue to try as many of the Trader Joe's varietals as I can in hopes of proving myself wrong. However, my recession buzz is being killed by watching wine go down my drain - and I never believe in wasting the juice! However, the lesson we have learned this week : Life is too short to drink cheap wine!

Love and ho-hum juice,
Her LadyMess