Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wine-down Wednesday presents SPLASH!

   Love Conundrum but don't love the price? White Splash from St. Francis winery recently mad e huge impression on me. A blend of four grapes: Viogner, Pinot Grigio, Malvasia, and Gewurztraminer. It tastes of citrus and finished with vanilla. It would taste yummy on it's own or pair with your favorite seafood dish such a shrmp scampi or a grilled salmon... oh, and invite me when you do it :)
   If you like this wine, other reccomendations to switch it up would be the blends from Menage e Trois or the Seven Daughters blend. Happy Wines-day! xoxo Her LadyMess

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lady reads : Summer List!

All right! It is the time for the summer reading list. I love making myself feel like a school girl and assigning myself some great reads to pass those hot summer months by the pool. Oh who am I kidding? The only pool I have access to in New York would be at the SoHo House with the fancy folk! Star studded and fantastic, but not the best recession deal. Sigh, I guess I'll pour a glass of rose' at my house and buy a wading pool to delve into these reads!

As you know, I am currently reading, "Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis and I am loving it. After that I have decided to make a commitment to two books I have been told are a right of passage : Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Gone with the Wind. I will have to read something mindless in between  to wake me up a bit, and I am not going to lie, I am intrigued by the Shades of Gray book that everyone keeps falling for. Who wants to join me ?? :)

 Her Ladymess

Thursday, May 24, 2012

C.S. Lewis on a rainy day...

Nothing I love more than a philisophical read with a glass of wine to combat a rainy day where my mind typically goes to gray. "Awareness that our whole being by it's very nature is one vast need; incomplete, preparatory, empty yet cluttered, crying out for Him who can untie things that are now knotted together and tie up things that are still dangling loose." ~C.S. Lewis Isn't that the truth about life's journey ? It's another way of coming at the saying, "Life is always greener..." When we are tied down, we want to be free. When we are hungry to learn, we want to be full of knowledge. When we are too comfortable, we seek out danger. When we experience change, we crave stability. As humans, we never fail to be at a constant state of unrest. François de la Rochefoucauld said, "The only thing in life constant is change." When will be able to breathe into this and know the change does not threaten our core being ? "The highest does not stand without the lowest. A plant must have roots below as well as sunlight above and roots must be grubby..." C.S Lewis At age 28, my life this year keeps teaching me lesson after lesson after lesson. It seems that until I fully give myself over to what the universe has in store, this constant pattern of change will keep shaking up what I think I know and transform it into something deeper, richer, and true. So, have patience, friends. We're all there :) Until then, I am going back to reading "The Four Loves"... I suggest picking up a copy.