Sunday, April 7, 2013

 I woke up way too early today and didn't quite know how to fill my time. Sundays are meant to be lazy, I realize. But, I hate having too much time on my hands. This is why I am a lover of a to do list! Keeps me accountable and on track!

 I decided to get into some Oprah Soulful Sundays and watch a few videos from a few spiritual gurus and found it a bit more inspirational that the Catholic Mass I attended this morning. I love spiritual conversation as opposed to going through the motions of routine. Everyone goes about it differently and I respect that. I am also thankful that I can choose what works for me as well.  I also did a few activities on Soul Pancake. Ever hear of it? I did the essays such as What is your Ultimate Cool?, Make Three Titles for Yourself, Write a Haiku, and What  Kind of Pie would you be?

Check it out:

  I write them all in my journal and even decided to post two of them just for to challenge myself. Who cares if people judge! Just put yourself out there. YOU ARE VALID!

Soul Pancake allowed me to swallow two bits of advice :
No apologies for being me and self acceptance is the key!
Thanks for helping me get to a better day, Soul Pancake!

Now I am meeting my gal pal for a boozy brunch (New Yorker's favorite especially on a beautiful day such as this!) and then headed to the Whitney Museum for the exhibits of Blues for Smoke, Jay Defeo (bring on the White Rose!!) , and American Legends: From Calder to O'Keefe (don't make it dirty...) I have never been to the Whitney Museum in my time in NYC and I think today is the day. Especially it being FREE.

'Tis the Lord's Day! So, drink his juice! (No, you can't have any of mine!)
Her LadyMess