Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lessons from Disney's Frozen

A couple of nights ago I was asked on a date to go an see "Frozen". Now, you know me, I LIVE for Disney. But this wasn't just a movie. It was a sing-a-long version. GULP. It may surprise you that most singers do not enjoy activities such a karaoke or sing a longs... or being asked impromptu to sing at Grandma Eleanor's birthday party... It puts us in a spotlight we didn't choose to be in and it feel uncomfortable. Not wanting to be a lame date, I went along with it. It was actually pretty darling. A five year old was belting out tunes with her father and a group of friends in their 30's had their arms up singing and giggling. Leave it to Disney to consistently trump itself in the magic they create in this world!

My date sang a long a bit and tried to get me too. That probably wasn't going to happen... but seeing the joy in the room made me enjoy it all the more.

Also, the lyrics resonated with my and where I am at in my life. Take a gander:

Don't let them in, don't let them see.

Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.
Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go!
Can't hold it back any more.
Let it go, let it go!
Turn away and slam the door.
I don't care what they're going to say.
Let the storm rage on.
The cold never bothered me anyway.
It's funny how some distance,
makes everything seem small.
And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do,
to test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go.
I am one with the wind and sky.
Let it go, let it go.
You'll never see me cry.
Here I'll stand, and here I'll stay.
Let the storm rage on.

   I haven't been able to control much about my surroundings and things happening in my life. We all have our issues to deal with and have to learn how to ride the inevitable wave. Life will take you up and down and toss you from side to side in the good, the bad, the unexpected, and you need to have a sense of self worth at your core. Not only that, but a self awareness to treat yourself well,. You can't expect other people to do it for you. That is why I keep my journal within reach, or have a book or podcast to get something positive in my ear. It is about knowing how to take care of you.

 You know what I liked most about "Frozen"? In the end, it wasn't about romantic love, it was about the bond of sisters. My five year old little friend even yelled out during "Love is an Open Door ":   He isn't even her true love!" Smart cookie... I have things to learn from that precious nugget!

We are always learning aren't we? Every moment is an opportunity to learn. It might be from a movie, it might be from a five year old... in New York, the constant dealing with people's energy can try and test you every single day. It is finding patience to let those lessons come in, resonate with you, and improve your perspective. 

Even though I didn't belt out the big number in front of my date, I still left the movie inspired. I want to "Let it Go!" As Idina Menzel so brilliantly belts, " Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone!" I don't think perfect should even be in the dictionary as it is not a real world. Perfection is an illusion. I'm not going to hide under an assumed facade. Scars and all are what make us interesting and unique. We each have our own journey and no one gets there an easier. Be kind to yourselves and to those around you. 
You know not what they may be going through.

Her LadyMess

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