Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make your own magic!

I love me some Ingrid Michaelson and her new album is nailing it. The lyrics to "Do it Now" inspired me to start posting again:

you say that you've got nothing left
there's nothing left in you to find
you're gonna ride it out gonna wait it out
living to die, you're living to die

no one's gonna wait for you
no one's gonna wait for you

so do it now
do it right now
don't waste a minute on the darkness and the pity sitting in your mind and
do it right now
do it right now

I don't know why I allow the "wah wahs" to set in and let life take over me in such a way that I feel I have nothing to offer or nothing to say... especially when there are books like this out there :

So, clearly there is a place for EVERYONE'S voice if people are buying a book called : CRAFTING WITH CAT HAIR Wowowowowow (Yes, that's what that book is called!)

I decided to collage a few new pages and start finding the magic in my day to day life and leave the wah wah's behind :

Faith - in myself and in the universe. This collage allows me to visualize peace and trust in my path - a clear view in knowing I am right where I need to be.

Candles, wine, and fresh words on a page brings clarity in the chaos...

Then, I took myself a lovely sushi lunch with a buttery chard and I was back in action. A simple sashimi plate and a seaweed salad :) I never mind dining alone- especially in New York where, as Carrie Bradshaw so famously said, "the city is your date!" It's empowering really. I even love movies by myself! I went to see "Love" which was delightful. An indi film where I got to stare at trasians (my favorite: trendy asians) and watch philosophies concerning relationships.

I made it a GREAT day - all on my own - can I get a slow clap ? :)

"so do it now
do it right now ...
no one's gonna wait for you"

Her LadyMess