Saturday, June 30, 2012

I have FINALLY finished "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and my brain has gone through it! Honestly, I felt like I was in class again. I know everyone has their beef with this book, but what I appreciated most was the fact that it forced me into an opinion. Like most things we read back in school, it proposes a plethora of viewpoints that make you question where your values and moral code stand. Leave it to me to be inspired to collage and find a great ending theme for myself and I hope for you : "It's the end," she said. "It's the beginning," he answered.
The last thing Ayn Rand left me inspired with was one of the final moments in the book where they hear the Halley's Fifth Concerto and describe it as "the symphony of triumph". What is yours? What song can you put on for yourself that makes you feel you can conquer the world? Or, at least, inspired to try? Until next time, xoxo Her LadyMess

1 comment:

  1. Dvorak's American String Quartet always inspires me. It captures the late-19th century optimism of America and her people, feeling boundless energy to meet their promising future. It's the quartet of buoyant optimism and hope. What about you?
