Monday, May 25, 2015

Finding the Blue Bird of Happiness: My time in Sonoma

Last summer I followed my heart to wine country and I spent all year thinking about how much I wanted to go back. I would have never guessed this New Yorker would ever be dreaming of the west coast, but a change happened - a shift. Cue the Disney song from "Beauty and the Beast" (the Broadway musical... not the movie - consider it your Disney education for the day!)

I'll include a link of my recording once I make friends with my Ipad- until then, let these lyrics help you understand how I feel in this next chapter:

"There's been a change in me. A kind of moving on.
 Though what I used to be, I still depend upon...For in it's place
 I feel a truer life begin 
and it's so good and real, it's mucst come from within. 
And I, I never thought I'd leave behind, my childhood dreams, but I don't mind.
 I'm where and who I want to be. 
No change of heart, a change in me." - Alan Menken

I found a people group of people who started the Transcendence Theatre Company. A company that focuses on health and wellness, creativity, gratitude, service, connection, and a love for sharing our hearts through performance. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. The company and the connection to the community,

As we sat in Jack London State Park on day one, we talked of our summer goals and what we wanted this summer to be about.
Things that left an imprint on me:
Be brave - I am tired of letting my fear and anxiety dictact my mental state and what I should be doing. Instead, have the courage to listen to my heart and show up to greet a new day knowing I am where I am meant to be.
Present Moment Awareness - There is no past, there is no future. Take in the experience of now and make it the #bestdayever
Choose love over fear - Live and exist in love and nothing else. I have always valued my heart more than anything else. I have a lot of love to give and I won't ever block that. It may wear on me in many ways, but I will never stop myself from loving people fully for everything that they are.
Gratitude - I couldn't be more grateful to be here...and I will excercise that everyday.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi
This will be my daily motto. I want to encourage others to follow there heart as I have to find truth and happiness in their lives.

A Blue Bird flew by the meeting and into the near by tree to listen to the rest of our chirping, The Blue Bird has followed me for years. My sign for the search of happiness and that I m on the right path. It was a Shirley Temple movie as well as a gift from my tap teacher, Shirley Marley, when I graduated: A small blue bird to take with me as I ventured out of Kansas City and to discover my life's purpose. Now,  it has found me in Sonoma.

 I arrived to a blue bedroom... blue walls, blue, accents on the bedding, and glow in the dark stars all over my walls. My last moment evening in Sonoma last year was spent looking at the stars in the back yard of Amy and Brad's home. It was one of my very favorite evenings and I knew I would be back. So, to have this bedroom represent the BLue Bird and the Sonoma stars, I swooned.

 I pay attention to signs. I believe in the magic of the universe. Blame the Disney girl in me...  I think there are always messages from the universe if you listen to them, if you are opening to accept them, and Sonoma? I'm all ears. (Mickey Mouse ears that is...) #lessonsindisney #disneynerd #canibeadisneyprincessyet

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